How SketchGenius Creates Coloring Book Printable Pages?🖍

Jan 05, 2022

In my email today, I talked about how a new software video app creates coloring book printables. Some people thought I was out of my mind!

I made this demo video sharing how you would create coloring page printables with SketchGenius:

No need to hire special graphic designers or install design software that slows down your computer you can't ever get your work done!

I don't create coloring books or coloring printables to sell in my own business. However, I DO incorporate coloring pages in my workbooks and journals I create.

Here's an example of my Manifest It Law of Attraction Journal (4th in the series of my Law of Attraction Journals).

You will see on the bottom, I have coloring text below the activity!

Here's another sample of a printable I sell:


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