🥳 I Named My Blog: Automate & Monetize

Jan 25, 2022

Here's the Logo:

Automate & Monetize

This is what I am calling the blog because the whole basis is to teach you to how build automation powerhouses in your business that DO THE WORK FOR YOU!

You set the automation up once and it works for you non-stop. Even if you had an employee who worked for you 24 hours a day, that person would STILL not be as good as a "robot" who doesn't need to eat, sleep, nap, walk the dogs, go to the store, etc).

So let's break it down:


I always refer to automation as picturing little robots working for you in the background 24 / 7/ 365 in any time zone. That's pretty cool right?

Once you set up your automation, it's SET AND FORGET! You let it ride.

Creating an automation is not complete unless it's monetized though.

What good is it if your automation is not:

✅Growing your email list?

✅Growing your subscriber base?

✅Growing your customer base?

✅Growing your following?

✅Making you sales?

✅Helping you make more connections?

✅Doing the work for you to help you save time and gain more freedom!

I don't know about you but all of these sound good to me!

So, that's why we can't forget to monetize!


Monetize does not only mean "money". Money is always the end game when creating your automation.

There will be some "money getting" automations but there are also all kinds of automations you can create that lead to monetization down the line. (like the entire checklist I wrote above).

I have a SLEW of automations and monetization strategies I use in my business.

How To Set Up an Automation That Leads To Money

There are SEVERAL automations you can set up in your business.

One example of an automation is setting up a masterclass. You might think you wouldn't know the first thing on how to set up a masterclass or even how you can make money with one.

Heck, you might not even know what a masterclass is!

For more information on how to make money with masterclasses, go here:


Automated masterclasses is when you teach something ONCE and it works for you over and over again like a machine! It's fabulous!

I look forward to helping you more to Automate and Monetize in your business.


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